Looking at the fiddler crabs with their huge pincers.
Cotton-stainer bugs on a sea-hibiscus tree leaf. They all seem to congregate on one to three leaves of a tree. Procreation at work? All waiting their turn?
Learn more about them here : http://www.naturia.per.sg/buloh/inverts/cotton_stainer.htm
A mangrove tree seedling.
A tiny crab well camouflaged in the mud...notice the snail shell close by.
Oooh, this was so interesting...snake skin moult! Coult it be from a tree-snake or a cobra?
CH explaining about the intertidal zone. It was a very hot day although we all thought it was going to rain heavily due to a light drizzle at the beginning of the walk.
RT capturing everyone's attention with an amusing story about banarcles and how they procreate!
looking for fish...
Some tiny fry taking shelter below the floating pontoon.
Next the resident huge school of small fish...these always seem to hide below the boardwalk.
Sharing thoughts on the flora and fauna of chek jawa with visitors from Belgium and Singaporeans alike.
This pretty little gecko showed up. Notice the barbed tail segments!
Thanks CH for being so nice and such a good guide. My son and I have a very wonderful and educational trip. Our families and friends heard about it and would love to join future walks.