We were quite fortunate that the rain stopped when we reached Pulau Ubin. We got Uncle Chu to drive us to Chek Jawa in his van.

On our way there, we noticed that the wild ixora were all blooming! Wow! I've been to Pulau Ubin so many times, but it never occur to me that there are some many wild ixora plants on the island. We could even see many of them blooming in the middle of the forest!

And when we were at the Chek Jawa Information Kiosk, we had another pleasant surprise - a pair of oriental pied hornbill! The photo above shows one of them. Some of our visitors saw it, but they flew away before the rest arrived.
We had 2 groups of visitors today - a group of 10 visitors who booked the trip with me through email, and another group of walk-in visitors. Ria took the former group, while LK took the other.
Although we were just walking on the boardwalk, there were still plenty of things to see.

At the mangrove section, there were lots of vinegar crabs on the mud lobster mound.

There were many mudskippers too.

And yet again, we found the fiddler crab with red eyes!

LK's group also spotted several huge atlas moth caterpillars. They have eaten most of the leaves of the poor tree though.

And here's one of our young visitors from LK's group looking at a moth on the railing, with LK and the other group members behind.

And here's another young visitor from Ria's group taking a group photo for the group.

The coastal section was full of surprises too!

We saw this HUGE school of fish swimming just under the boardwalk. There must be like thousands of them!

The jellyfish were out in full force too! We saw many of them in different colours and sizes!

Don't know why, but the little boy seemed to be quite fond of me. Or perhaps he liked the Naked Hermit Crab flag I was holding? Haha...

After the walk, we went to the Chek Jawa Visitor Centre aka House Number 1, while the visitors drew some lovely pictures for our guest book.

Thanks to the wonderful visitors that we had today. And also special thanks to the Naked Hermit Crabs for helping with today's walk - Ria, LK, CH (who together with Ria contibuted some of their photos), July and Sijie. We sure had a lot of fun today! :)
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