Hi friends of Naked Hermit Crabs!
I was rather intrigued by an article in the Straits Times today (19 April 2008) titled “
Living Unplugged” about the need to reclaim our lives from the very addictive, ubiquitous and invasive world of instant connection. Although the Crabs are a rather plugged-in bunch of people, we too see the need to voluntarily unplug ourselves from our laptops, cell phones and gadgets of all sorts to spend time in the real world.
Would you join us in one of our trips to the real and beautiful world of Chek Jawa on 27th April Sunday?
It is Earth Day on 22nd April and the Naked Hermit Crabs are organizing our free walk-in Chek Jawa Boardwalk tour (for small groups please) on Sunday, 27th, in celebration of Earth Day. We urge you to forget about going shopping again in Orchard Road but come and spend a lovely afternoon at Pulau Ubin. Ditch materialism! Don’t let consumerism take over our lives! Spend some time with nature and see how Mother Earth can move your hearts.
Date: 27 April 2008 (Sunday)
Time: 3 pm
Meeting Place: Chek Jawa Information Kiosk
Read all about
our free walks and what you need to prepare …..
Let us share some of the precious thoughts penned by our lovely visitors.

These are simple and heartfelt words from someone who has seen the magic of Chek Jawa.
Good Day OutAnd here’s what 2 expatriate families have to say about a great outing to Chek Jawa ….

And Sofya, a young visitor, recorded what she saw:
“We went in the car cab and went in the forest with lots of trees. We saw a lot of jellyfish. We saw a big claw ripped off a crab. We saw a big beetle. We thought it was a bee. We saw the moth (really hairy). We saw a big school of fish. We saw the crab with big claws”
And friends from SCGS enjoyed their day exploring Chek Jawa and Ubin.

Su Hsien said that Chek Jawa is our own nature backyard. No need to travel long distances (and leaving a large eco-footprint in the process) to see natural ecosystems.
Saving Chek Jawa For Future GenerationsAnd there are lots of pleas from visitors who asked for Chek Jawa to be preserved for our future generations….

“Definitely something to conserve …. We saw Chek Jawa, but what about our children … think of the future.” – Siti Rafeah
Outdoor Classroom
Needless to say, Chek Jawa is a wonderful place to explore with the younger ones. That is why bumboat-loads of families make their way to Chek Jawa during weekends and school holidays.
Here is a drawing done by a keen nature observer who captured what she saw. See that little bit on the right hand side. It says “Kids enjoying Nature”

And sisters April and Inez did an amazing drawing about Life in Chek Jawa.

Others see Chek Jawa as a precious oasis of calm in highly urbanized Singapore.

More words from our friends ….
“Chek Jawa is a beautiful place! It is indeed a living outdoor classroom.” – Yvonne (2007)
“Thanks for the wonderful and interesting guides and descriptions. Keep up the good work!” – Xinyi (2007)
“Nature teaches us on what humans are …… We are just a small part of it !!! Fellowship of the Open Air” – David W, Project Sirius (2007)
“Chek Jawa Fiddler Crab: I see humans …. Va Voom!” – Wilson Ong (2007)
“I learnt a lot more about local species, e.g. mangroves, crabs, mudskippers, etc. It has been a fruitful and enriching experience. I’m sure students will love this place too.” – Wanxuan (2007)
There you have it! Words from our friends. Come and join us if you have time on Sunday 27th April.

With this drawing of a smiling Naked Hermit Crab cartoon, we wish you Good Day, and see you on the 27th!