The groups were quite large, many of you may not have heard all the commentaries. Thank you for your patience. Chek Jawa with its varied ecosystems will always be full of little surprises. From the lovely guestbook drawings that you did, it looks like you had a great time and enjoyed seeing many of the creatures first-hand.
"Madcap Mudskippers"? Yes, that's what one of our young visitors called the mudskippers. I totally agree. The little mudskippers were so alive today. They were literally skipping and flipping somersaults. I guess it's not easy being a mudskipper living at the water's edge, and not quite sure whether it wants to be a land creature or a sea creature. Haha! Perhaps we are witnessing a tiny slice of the evolution process when sea creatures grow legs, shed their gills and begin to walk on land.

Gaytri's group managed to see the Cotton-stainer bugs on the sea hibiscus trees while LK's group missed them totally. Here is the bug with the beautiful white cross on its back.
A family of wild boars, with piglets, were seen running across the fruit tree path by Marcus' group. We think the wild boars are out in larger numbers foraging in the forests for fallen fruits. That's the competition going after fallen durians. We managed to catch a photo of the fleeing wild boars.

That's the Magpie Robin spotted near Butterfly Hill.
We wish everyone a great week ahead! - the Crabs.
Here's more blog entries about our trip
Here's more blog entries about our trip
- More about the wild boars on the budak blog
- More about the cotton stainer bugs on the can you sea me blog
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