The Naked Hermit Crabs had a great time at EnviroFest regardless of the really hot weather :-)
Here's Chay Hoon, Sam and Gaytri at the booth.
Sam shares about our special living shores with the young ones.
Andy explains more to this interested family.
Other groups working hard for the shores were also there. Like Debby and the
Hantu Bloggers who conduct dives at our very own wild reefs at Pulau Hantu.
The Raffles Museum
Toddycats were also kept busy with lots of interest in their specimens of our wildlife.
Especially the pickled
baby dugong, apparently the poor thing was inside its mummy when the Mama dugong was killed by a boat propeller. The need to protect our shores is a common message shared by the Toddycats as well as the Crabs and Hantu Bloggers and other groups working for our wild places.
Chay Hoon gave a riveting talk with lots of photos and video clips of our amazing marine life.
And here's a photo of Chay Hoon with Boon Wah who organised this wonderful event.
Not only that, Boon Wah was also a winner of the
"I Want to go to Cyrene" blogging contest and
came with us to Cyrene recently. She did a lovely poster of the trip and displayed it at EnvironFest 2008!
Many thanks to Boon Wah and her able team for organising this wonderful event and making it possible for us to share about our shores with so many people!
Also thanks to all the Naked ones who came to share at EnviroFest: Sam, Kenerf, Gaytri, YC, Liana, Chay Hoon, Andy and July.
More about EnviroFest on the wildfilms blog
day 1 and
day 2.
Wah envirofest looked like it was really fun. Too bad BWV couldn't attend this year.