Dear Friends,
Please treat this as a personal invitation to celebrate the International Year of the Reef (IYOR) Launch with us on 9 Aug at the Singapore Botanic Gardens (Botany Centre).

You've come for our Chek Jawa Boardwalk trips and our Sentosa shore walks. Why not join us too at the Botanic Gardens to gain a bigger picture of all the reefs in Singapore? You will also get to meet the large community of nature lovers who are involved in many aspects of reef and inter-tidal shore conservation work.
The Crabs are participating in this exciting event with a number of fun activities.
Adopt a unique Singapore star and learn more about Cyrene Reef, a major Knobbly Nursery!
Celebration Guestbook: Speak up for our shores! Leave a comment, draw a drawing on this special art effort by the Naked Hermit Crabs
Colour our shores: colouring station with special cartoons to colour and learn about our shores by the Naked Hermit Crabs
Exhibition booth - 100 Stars of Cyrene: posters of unique stars found on our uniquely Singapore reef and our other shores by the Star Trackers and the Naked Hermit Crabs
A few of the Crabs will be conducting talks for the public on that day.
10.30am: "Life and Death at Chek Jawa" sharing experiences of a study of mass deaths on Chek Jawa following flooding in 2007, a talk by Loh Kok Sheng "Wishing upon a Star" about our Knobbly sea stars, a recent emergence of baby Knobblies and discovery of a large population at Cyrene Reef, a talk by Tan Sijie, Star Trackers will be an action-packed day at the Singapore Botanic Gardens on National Day. Come and join us in celebration of the wonderful reefs in Singapore. See you there!
Date: 9 August 2008 (Saturday)Time: 10am-5pmVenue: Function Hall, Botany Centre, Singapore Botanic Gardens (above Taman Serasi foodcourt)Contact: - the Crabs